People often say that you must be faithful to your local church first. For example, if you wish to visit a different church one Sunday, people will tell you that your first commitment must be to your home church. If you’re involved in ministry outside of the local church (e.g. campus ministries), they say that…
If you’ve ever watched TBN or Daystar, it is impossible to hear a sermon without the preacher asking for donations. There are two things that are impossible – for God to lie, and for a TBN preacher to not guilt you or lure you into giving. Preachers asking for financial assistance is not wrong. The…
This article is motivated by recent events happening in the United States, in particular the states of North Carolina, Georgia and Mississippi. There is tremendous controversy over a “religious liberty bill” that consists of two components: 1) People should use public restrooms pertaining to the gender they were born with. 2) Religious people can refuse…
INTRODUCTION In 2005, I was invited to a meeting of the Church of Scientology. At that time, I had never heard of Scientology, but I suspected it was some kind of cult. Nevertheless, I attended the meeting just for my own research. Within 5 minutes, it was clear to me that it was indeed a…
There is a belief going around that for every person we win to Christ, we will receive a star in our crown in the next life. I have searched in vain for any such teaching in the Bible. This is a belief that has been propagated by tradition – one preacher hears it from another…
Throughout the church age, historical Christianity has taught that heaven and hell are as much a reality as land, sea and space. The Bible, rightly divided certainly affirms the belief in a literal and eternal heaven and hell, Jesus Himself being most responsible for its teachings on hell. It is only in recent decades that…
Deep within every human soul, there is an in-built desire to know the future. The prominence of astrology and the occult, as well as the growing popularity of horoscopes and Ouija boards testify to this fact. Even in Christian circles, there is an ever-increasing tendency towards “the prophetic”. The question of life after death is…
One of the most disheartening trends in the church today is the lack of enthusiasm displayed by teenagers concerning the things of God, in contrast with their fanatical fascination with the things of the world. Even children of very good Christian people seem to be caught up in the trend. In some churches, worldly gospel…
It is believed that any couple which does not use some form of contraception will bear 15 – 20 children in their lifetime. Thus everyone uses some form of contraception. Yet there are those who deliberately desist from using condoms, the pill or any other artificial means of contraception. They pile on children by the…
Ephesians 5:22-28. Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in…